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system: All versions of Windows currently supported by Microsoft
including Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, and Server editions. Macintosh users,
click here.
Disk space required: 100 Megabytes
Processor speed: There is no requirement for a minimum processor speed.
Printers: FoodWorks is designed for use with laser and ink jet printers.
Network server installation: FoodWorks can be installed on network servers when an Unlimited Site License is purchased. Network installation features include user data redirection and remote database placement. A complete network server installation guide is provided to all Unlimited Site License holders at time of delivery.
No third-party database engines, frameworks, or software are required to run FoodWorks.
FoodWorks catalog number: FD-32
FoodWorks ISBN: 1-89221-00-X
Technical support for FoodWorks is no longer available.
Training: Users learn how to use FoodWorks by reading the "ShowMe" tutorials on the FoodWorks Help menu. The "ShowMe" tutorials are step-by-step walk-throughs that guide users through the process of learning to use FoodWorks.
To visit our Technical Support Knowledge Base,
click here.
To visit our knowledge base of prospective
users' Frequently Asked Questions,
click here.
FoodWorks is a Windows software application and is guaranteed to function only on Windows PCs running the Windows operating system. Therefore, the Nutrition Company cannot support the use of FoodWorks on a Macintosh due to the many variables at work in the Macintosh run-time environment including the particular Macintosh hardware, the Mac OS in use, and the solution you choose for running Windows programs on your Macintosh. Still, a significant number of Macintosh owners are successfully using FoodWorks on Macintosh computers that have special software installed for running Windows applications (such as Parallels, Boot Camp, or Fusion). To find information on these solutions, use your web browser to search for them by name.
IMPORTANT: The various solutions above depend on many variables including the Macintosh model, the processor type, the Mac OS version, the type of Windows application, and the version of Windows. In all cases, additional cost for a Windows license may be incurred. The Nutrition Company cannot guarantee that any combination will prove suitable for running FoodWorks on a Macintosh, and therefore cannot provide technical support FoodWorks on a Macintosh. We urge prospective users to compare the costs of the solutions above with the cost of an inexpensive PC, which is sometimes a less costly and more reliable alternative.