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NEW in FoodWorks 18 - EXPANDED NUTRIENT DATA - FoodWorks 18 has been updated to
contain the USDA Standard Reference version 28 and the Canadian Nutrient
File 2010. The NHANES Food and
NEW in FoodWorks 18
THE NEW DAILY VALUES DIETARY STANDARD – To support the Nutrition Facts labels, FoodWorks
now contains the old and new
Daily Values dietary standards.
You can select whichever standard you wish to use. The Nutrition Facts
labels automatically use the applicable DV.
“FREQUENTLY USED FOODS” LIST – This feature “remembers” foods you have chosen
before. If you search for a food
and your search results include a food you have chosen before, that food
will be displayed in a special list, making it easy to find foods you use
often. You can delete foods from
the list, and you can erase the list and start over at any time.
PREVIEW WHEN SELECTING FOODS – This feature shows you a preview of the
nutrient amounts found in a food you are selecting.
The preview is sensitive to the portion you choose, so the nutrient
values vary to match the portion.
This allows you to make decisions about portion sizes based on
nutrient content – a valuable tool to menu and recipe analysts.
“SHOW ME” WALK-THROUGH TUTORIALS – FoodWorks has always been known
for its user-friendliness. And now, users can learn to do important
tasks more easily than ever by using the new “ShowMe” walk-throughs. ShowMe
is part of the Help menu. Just pick a topic from the ShowMe sub-menu and get
step-by-step instructions for performing a task. In addition, all of the
standard help topics are available to provide all the
information you need.
In addition to these changes, many internal efficiencies have been
added to FoodWorks version 18. Changes include updates to take advantage of
current technology capabilities as well as more powerful input evaluation. Network usage requires unlimited